Starter dashboard for asset and configuration management
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Starter dashboard for asset and configuration management

This is available only to customers in the Opsgenie and Insight EAP. Learn more about the EAP if you’re interested in joining or want more details.

If you use asset and configuration management in Jira Service Management and include all of its data in an Atlassian Data Lake connection, you can utilize the starter dashboard that comes with that Data Lake connection.

Assets overview

This dashboard comes with a number of pre-configured charts to help you understand your assets and configuration data. You can report on your objects in your asset and configuration management, their related issues and projects, as well as the time spent on them.

Objects by attribute

The distribution of objects grouped by the selected attribute

You can filter this chart by asset type and the “Dropdown” control labeled “Attribute”.

Objects over time

The total number of objects created of the selected asset types over time

You can:

  • change the interval of time using the “Date bucket” control labeled “Date interval type”; the default is Week

  • change the aggregation to either Running total or Count by using the “Dropdown” control labeled “Object aggregation”; the default is Running total

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labels “Current date interval”, the “Date bucket” control labeled “Date interval type”, and asset type.

Attribute value over time

Shows the numerical attribute values, grouped by date

Change the aggregation to either sum, average, minimum, or maximum by using the “Dropdown” control labeled “Aggregation”.

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labels “Current date interval”, the “Date bucket” control labeled “Date interval type”, object schema, asset type, and numeric attributes.

Compare attributes of an asset type

The number of all objects of one object type, grouped by two attributes

You can filter this chart by object schema, asset type, row attribute, and column attribute.

Object catalog

A catalog of all objects and their attributes

You can filter this chart by object schema, asset type, and the “Dropdown” control labeled “Attributes”.

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